Working together to improve brain health

Think Brain Health Global is an international initiative led by an expert, multidisciplinary Steering Committee and supported by writing and working groups. The recommendations of the report Time matters: a call to prioritize brain health are endorsed by a growing number of professional and advocacy organizations.

The Think Brain Health Global initiative is always looking for new stakeholders to endorse the recommendations from 'Time matters: a call to prioritize brain health', please get in touch if you are interested in becoming an endorser.

Alternatively you can download a template invitation to endorse letter here. Please do let us know if you plan to use this by emailing us at:

The Think Brain Health Global initiative is distinct from Alzheimer’s Research UK’s Think Brain Health campaign, which aims to raise public awareness of brain health and what can be done to reduce the risk of developing dementia at an individual level. As our missions are aligned, ARUK sits on the Steering Committee and endorses the recommendations of Time matters: a call to prioritize brain health.